In the first panel, Ozzie sits contemplating what to write in his gratitude journal. In the second one, Earl arrives with a ball in his mouth and barks gently. A heart floats up from Ozzie's head in the second panel. In the third panel, Ozzie's chair sits empty, his pen on top of his open journal. Above the frame, we see lines from his journal with a single word: "Dogs."

Melbourne, VIC, AU

I visited Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, at the end of November 2023. This was my first international trip since the start of the pandemic and my first trip to Australia. I was travelling to Melbourne for ISO standards development meetings.

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Metric system

The USA, along with 40 other countries signed the the Treaty of the Meter in Paris in 1875. In the late 1960s, both the US and Canada decided that continued use of the Imperial system of measurements, or inch-pound system in the US, didn’t make sense since the rest of the world worked and lived…

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Tokyo 2019

In the fall of 2019, I travelled to Tokyo to attend some standards development meetings. At the time I left, there was no indication that the world was about to head into a pandemic. The coming storm Just before I was about to leave Canada, I learned that there was a massive typhoon headed out…

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I heard this excellent little story recently about expertise and why experts and consultants are worth what they charge.

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