Canadian COVID Risk
Dr. Tara Moriarty,, at COVID-19 Resources Canada, is a tremendous Canadian resource. Based on the available data, the site’s risk dashboard displays the national and provincial risk levels. This is likely your best resource for assessing your COVID-19 risk. Click on tab 5 to see today’s risk dashboard.
Who is Doug Nix, anyway?

Hi there! I’m Doug Nix, and this is my place to express ideas for which I don’t otherwise have a home.
I’m a machinery safety specialist by day and a husband and dog dad by night, and this is my website.
I live in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.
You’re in the wrong place if you’re looking for my professional qualifications or CV. Head over to my LinkedIn page to read that stuff.
If you want to know more about me, you’re in the right place.
In “the before,” pre-COVID-19, I travelled a lot ✈️ for business; now, not so often. If you’re interested, I sometimes post stuff about where I go on my blog.
Life is what you make of it…
Attitude is everything
Let me explain… I’ve truly come to believe that the most important aspect of life – bar none – is attitude. I don’t mean “having an attitude” or walking around trying to be “all gangsta.” I think Viktor Frankl said it better than I can hope to:
The last of human freedoms – the ability to chose one’s attitude in a given set of circumstances.”
Viktor Frankl
No one can take away a person’s ability to decide how they feel in any circumstance, which amounts to choosing one’s attitude. Do you want to be miserable and downtrodden? Decide to be that way. Feel like a victim all the time? You are choosing to be a victim.
Starting today, make a different choice!
I believe that we bring what we need into our lives. By having an attitude that is conducive to what we want and that is in harmony with our mission in this life, the universe will manifest what we need. I’ve seen it in my own life, and I believe that it happens every day.
Choose to live your best life starting right now – oh, and don’t forget your towel!
So explore around, check out my ramblings, and get in touch, or not, as you like. I hope you like it or that it makes you think, laugh, or shake your head. If I inadvertently offend, sorry; it’s nothing personal.